You know what? When you walk in the Spirit of God, you will feel His love in your heart. Remember this: ignite the fire within you and fuel it with the assurance of who you are and what you possess. You have not only the power of God but also His love residing within you. This love flows in two directions: from God to you. God loves you deeply, Timothy, and you must never forget that. Recall the love your mother and grandmother showed you and the lessons they taught you about God's love. Knowing that God loves you empowers you to endure any hardship, even when it feels like no one else cares.
Let me ask you something. Would you prefer the world's love without God's love, or would you rather have God's love even if the world doesn't acknowledge you? The answer is clear, right? There may be moments when you don't feel that love, when you feel rejected, abandoned, or ignored. However, your relationship with God will never falter. Never, ever. So, Timothy, remember these three things: you have the power of God within you, His love, and a disciplined life or self-control. God has granted you His power, love, and a disciplined mind.
You are familiar with the concept of a disciplined life—a life that is ordered and under control. It is a life that withstands difficulties, hardships, trials, conflicts, and separations without faltering. Did you understand that? Say amen. It remains unwavering because you are rooted in the power of God and His love for you. No matter what happens, you can stand strong. Whatever suffering or storm you face, a disciplined life committed to Almighty God does not yield to the winds or false teachings. God has given us a relationship that equips us to face any storm that comes our way.
Now, imagine Timothy receiving this letter. Can you imagine the impact it had on him? Paul understood the storm Timothy was going through because he himself had experienced storms while imprisoned. Timothy must have felt that he was reading the words of someone who had already walked the same path of suffering. In a gathering of this size, many of you are also facing storms. It could be a work-related storm, a marital storm, challenges with your children, parents, health, or finances. Storms originate from various sources.
But there is only one answer, and it lies in our Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit and His love. He has the ability to work in our lives and enable us to live by His Word. With a sound mind and disciplined life, we can withstand the storms and remain immovable, for we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and filled with His adequacy.
However, if you have never trusted Jesus as your Savior, none of this will make sense. You have been trying to navigate a world of conflict, sin, disobedience, and rebellion without Him. You must reach a point of acknowledging your rebellion against God and asking Him for forgiveness. Confess your sins to Him, recognizing your need for His forgiveness and repenting from your sinful ways. Turn to Him as your only hope, asking Him to forgive you and vowing to live a godly life through His strength, energy, power, and discipline. You may not understand all the implications at this moment, but choose to live for God and seek His truth. Surrender your life to Him, saying, "Here's my life, Lord God."
From that point forward, your life will never be the same. It is a choice you make. But understand this—the world will not change for the better. If you believe things will improve and you can continue living as you have been, you are
mistaken. Sin is sin, and the world we inhabit is wicked. The Devil is active, and unimaginable events are unfolding. Our only hope and assurance lie in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You can have that relationship if you follow the steps I mentioned. Otherwise, you will sink deeper into sin, need, pain, and suffering without a way out. It is foolish to reject the gift of God's love, His presence, His power, and His provisions. Surrender your life to Him and ask Him to work in you.
Father, we thank You for loving us. We acknowledge that no storm is too overwhelming for You. I pray for those who are currently in the midst of a storm, desperately needing rescue. May they have the courage to confess their struggles and surrender their lives to You. I also pray for those facing small, medium, big, or intensely painful storms. Grant them the courage to admit their need, confess their sins, and seek You through the Word of God. Ignite the fire within them, which may have grown dim, for You are sufficient, and You keep Your promises. In Jesus' name, amen.