New Study Begins Ephesians
We delve into the Word of God to pursue genuine growth, anchored in understanding Truth. John 17:17 underscores this pursuit, affirming the sanctification of individuals in Truth, with God's Word serving as the epitome of Truth. As men, we commit to a profound exploration of Scripture, recognizing it as God's declaration to humanity. Through this intentional engagement, we aim to grasp the profound wisdom, guidance, and transformative power embedded within its pages. Just as a document cannot be printed if the paper output tray remains closed, our spiritual journey remains incomplete if we fail to open ourselves to the illuminating insights and divine truths found within the Word of God.
The Book Of Ephesians
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Ephesians 3
What are the main points of this chapter?
How does Paul identify himself as he begins this chapter? (1)
What dispensation, or measure, of grace was shown by God toward Paul? (2-3)
What did Paul say we can have by reading what he had written? (3-4)
What does Paul reveal concerning the revelation of this mystery? (5)
What is the "mystery" that has now been revealed? (6)
Though viewing himself as "less than the least of all the saints", what gracious task was given to Paul? (8-9)
What was the intent for proclaiming the revelation of this mystery? (10)
According to what was all this being done? (11)
What has Christ therefore made possible for us? (12)
In view of God's grace given to Paul, what does he therefore ask? (14)
In Paul's second prayer for the Ephesians, for what does he ask? (14-19)
What does Paul say God is able to do? How? (20)
In what entity does Paul seek to ascribe glory to God? How? For how long? (21)
Ephesians 2
) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Raised and seated on the throne (1-10)
- Reconciled and set into the temple (11-22)
2) What was our condition outside of Christ? (1-3)
- Dead in trespasses and sins
- Walking according to the course of this world and the devil
- Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind, by nature the children of wrath
3) What motivated God to save us? (4)
- His rich mercy and great love
4) What did God do, even though we were dead in trespasses? How? (5)
- Made us alive together with Christ; by grace
5) What else has He done? Why? (6-7)
- Raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places with Christ
- To show the riches of His grace and kindness toward us in Christ in the ages to come
6) Upon what basis have we been saved? Upon what basis have we not been saved? (8-9)
- By grace through faith, as the gift of God
- Not of ourselves or of works, lest anyone should boast
7) What are we now in Christ Jesus? For what purpose? (10)
- God's workmanship
- Created in Christ Jesus to walk in good works which God prepared beforehand
8) What was the Gentiles' condition outside of Christ? (11-12)
- Aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
- Strangers from the covenants of promise - Having no hope, without God in the world
9) What has Christ done through His blood? (13)
- Those who once were far off are now brought near
10) How has Jesus become "our peace" through His death on the cross? (14-17)
- By breaking down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile
- By abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments contained in ordinances that had separated
Jew and Gentile
- By reconciling them both to God in one body
- By preaching peace to those afar off (Gentile) and those near (Jew)
11) What do we both have through Christ? (18)
- Access by one Spirit to the Father
12) What can Gentiles now become because of what Christ has done? (19)
- Fellow citizens with the saints
- Members of the household of God
13) Upon what are we being built? (20)
- The foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ as the chief cornerstone
14) What kind of building are we? For what purpose? (21-22)
- A holy temple in the Lord
- To be a habitation of God in the Spirit
Ephesians 1
What are the main points of this chapter?
Why is God to be blessed (praised)? (3)
What blessings have we received that pertain especially to the Father? (4-6)
What blessings have we received that pertain especially to the Son? (7-12)
What blessings have we received that pertain especially to the Holy Spirit? (13-14)
What had Paul heard, that prompted his prayers in their behalf? (15-16)
Concerning what did Paul pray that his readers might know and be enlightened? (17-19)
According to what is God's power toward those who believe? (20)
What is Christ's exalted position at God's right hand? (21)
What has been placed under His feet? Over what is He the head? (23)
What is the church in relation to Christ? (23)